Alright, you Americans better bloody listen up, now isn't the time to mess around 'cuz today, ladies and gents, we have the first ever EXCLUSIVE interview with the creator of BASTARD, himself, Jimmy Tits.
So without further ado, here's what's in the case:
THE WEB BLOKE: Where'd the idea of BASTARD come from?
JIMMY: All Bastard was meant to be originally was a spoof of Snatch. We'd been talking about doing it for at least 2 years, ever since the fight club parody show .(back in the days of vcr to vcr) Um, so after we did the Haunted Xmas show and I edited it digitally (my first foray into editing on a Mac) I wanted to do something bigger so I could prove exactly what I could do in all areas...editing, directing..etc...So I went back to the Snatch parody idea...Although after I spent some time thinking about it...I realized you couldnt really parody Snatch, because it's a parody of sorts I decided to write my own British whodunit crime caper in the same vein as Guy Ritchie's films...but not a direct parody
THE WEB BLOKE: So as result you have BASTARD. Did you know how the characters we're going to be during that process or was it later on when you began writing it, that the characters came in to total fruitration?
JIMMY: I knew I needed certain archetypes that the Ritchie films had, but I also wanted a strong female character, which is something I've never really written for ieatpoop world, women are merely eye candy with one I definently wanted to add that to the took me quite a while to get the character list down to one I could handle, but still have enough so it would be a big ensemble piece....which it is.
THE WEB BLOKE: So what would you classify the story as?
JIMMY: The type of story? Oor just some sort of synapsis?
THE WEB BLOKE: The type of story. Or genre, if one could call it thator put it in a specific genre.
JIMMY: It's most definently a comedic piece, but it's set in an atmosphere that is not usually funny....there's certainly parts of it that have a serious tone and aren't suppose to be HA HA funny....watching it is odd for me, because it's not wall to wall one liners and gags.......kinda like Memento was, but for some reason even more so
THE WEB BLOKE: So as result BASTARD is a more serious piece as opposed to what your known for on your show?
JIMMY: Yeah and that was kinda the whole point of doing it for me...I didn't want it to look like we had anything to do with it, other than the fact that it's us on was kind of a "fuck you" piece to me in alot of know "look at me...I can do something else besides tape my friends saying fuck alot"....Trying to show alot of people that there's something important going on on friday nights.
THE WEB BLOKE: How exactly did you go about casting?
JIMMY: I casted it as I came up with the characters...I knew who could play the certain types of characters that i wrote....Shawn's a great lead and straightman, Billy and Jon G just looked funny standing next to each other so of course they got cast together, I usually play the character parts cus I write them with specific dialogue and I know how they...should sound, and of course Ash is the female so hence she gets to be the broad....and I got her into that wig, which is a good thing.
THE WEB BLOKE: Once you had casting out the way, how did production go? Run into any kind of problems?
JIMMY: It was a big cast so getting people together was a pain in the ass, we had a few incidents with the law and some annoyed parents hit the ceiling since my living room was completely made over to look like a hole in the wall (almost the same as it normally looks, but minus the pop culture).....and Ash's parents created some problems, hence the reason the show premieres the weekend she leaves for college. Overall it went smoothly.
THE WEB BLOKE: What was it like playing two roles?
JIMMY: I always play 2 or 3 roles. I kinda prefer it. I'm like Eddie Murphy in the that one movie.....yeah, Coming to America. Originally our old man, Mr Ray Watson was going to play the Phineas role, but he bowed out, so I picked it up from under him....but in the future I'm going to stop playing more than 1 role in a FULL episode, because It's not the best idea, especially when you're directing as well.
THE WEB BLOKE: Was it challenging in any way doing all the jobs of being a director, writer, producer and actor on the film? As well as editor once the film wrapped?
JIMMY: I think I'm pretty well prepared before we shoot a scene in every role....but I can sometimes be a little scatterbrained ("notes are useful") so it's sometimes a pain in the ass.....editing is never a pain in the ass though, I could do that in my sleep.
THE WEB BLOKE: BASTARD was a walk in the park then?
JIMMY: It was the most confined shoot we've ever done...we filmed in ALOT of tight seemed like we were shooting in my living room for months, which I think started to drive us all was hot and smelly and the whole time we knew my father was asleep in the next room, dreaming of our it was truthfully probably the hardest shoot....and I was a Beast most of the time.
THE WEB BLOKE: Problems aside, did you learn anything from the shoot?
JIMMY: it was a test of sorts...i realized that early on....If I could make this work, finish it and STILL want to persue a future doing this shit, then it would be all uphill from there...after Bastard, there's no looking back...shoots will continue to get harder, I'll be more and more of an A-hole, and the police will continue to search my person for fake weapons.
THE WEB BLOKE: Okay. I heard a rumor about two months ago or so that BASTARD was based off a novel of some kind of the message board, is this rumor true or just someone playing games with your audience?
JIMMY: Yes...Bastard is based on the best selling book by Michael Crichton...i just changed the ending and added "F-words"......No, that just a rumor....just like the deleted Coolio scenes.
THE WEB BLOKE: After completing it or nearing completion on the editing process, what do you think of the end result? Or am I making a contradiction here.
JIMMY: It's the best thing I've ever edited...It looks like a movie, albeit a short, wes's lighting was great, the costumes made things interesting as did the accents...I hope alot of people see it and appreciate the trouble we all went to....cus it wasn't a roll in the hay.
THE WEB BLOKE: As a result you've obivously grown from the experience. How do you think it will effect your show in the long run?
JIMMY: things are going to keep changing like they've been constantly changing these 5 years I've been doing this....the show is something completely different than when it was was it was then, because that's all it could be, which wasn't a bad thing....but It changes cus I change I guess.....I know next year I wanna finally do some stuff that's outta my head....personal stories n such....but of course there'll always be room for the pop culture washing machine everyonce in a while.
THE WEB BLOKE: Anything else you would like to say?
JIMMY: Uhhhhh I guess just a BIG capital lettered THANKS to the cast of this thing, and everyone who lent a hand doing this and that while shooting....i remember some guy stood behind a sheet and held my cigar and when i said "cigar"...he handed it to me.....A big ball of thanks to that guy, whoever the fuck he was.